The Hardy Boys Books See Witness to Murder (Hardy Boys Casefiles, Case 20) Details
Witness to Murder (Hardy Boys Casefiles, Case 20) Reviews
The Hardy Boys Books : Witness to Murder (Hardy Boys Casefiles, Case 20) Reviews
2 of 4 people found the following review helpful By A Customer This review is from: Witness to Murder (Hardy Boys Casefiles, Case 20) (Paperback) I started reading Hardy Boys books in 1978, and had never read a CaseFile until last month. And 1 is enough for me. Witness to Murder is poorly written with just your basic "guns in the boys faces" routine. The only reason to read this is to see the Hardys involved in murder scenes, get closer to women, etc. My advice for Hardy Boys readers, stick to the Grosset and Dunlap hardcover books and the early (1979-85) S&S paperbacks. |
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