The Hardy Boys Books See The Mystery of the Spiral Bridge (Hardy Boys, Book 45) Details
The Mystery of the Spiral Bridge (Hardy Boys, Book 45) Reviews
The Hardy Boys Books : The Mystery of the Spiral Bridge (Hardy Boys, Book 45) Reviews
10 of 10 people found the following review helpful By A Customer This review is from: The Mystery of the Spiral Bridge (Hardy Boys, Book 45) (Hardcover) Frank and Joe set out to find the group of criminals who kidnapped their father while he was working on a case of sabotage for Tony Prito's father at a construction site in Kentucky. After Mr. Hardy's miraculous escape, Frank and Joe, along with their friends, Chet, Tony, Biff and Phil, arrange to have themselves hired on at the construction site to work undercover. Unsure of who they can trust on the crew, the Hardy's and their friends face numerous dangerous situations before they bring the criminals to justice. This was probably the last of the hardcover volumes that I really enjoyed and none of the higher volumes come that close to being as good as this one. The book was surprisingly well-written and was interesting right from page 1; although, the final 100 pages, once the Hardy's get to Kentucky, are particularly good. I really liked the fact that the Hardy's friends were included in the book and were used very well. I think that most Hardy Boys fans would enjoy this book. 5 of 5 people found the following review helpful By Scott Thiel (Ontario, Canada) - See all my reviews This review is from: The Mystery of the Spiral Bridge (Hardy Boys, Book 45) (Hardcover) Among it's era, Spiral Bridge stands tall as one of the best book during this period in Hardy history.. It was a rather unique volume with the first 50 pages being a volume in itself and the remainder a subsequent to the opening. By page 50, the brothers are at a Dead End thus the chapter "Dead End" is well named. The brothers were at a stand still in solving this case. After a brief 15 pages of little activity they head to Kentucky undercover at a construction site under assumed names using "jailbird language". I absolutely loved this book. It captured your imagination. They were in the great outdoors among the enemy (Sleeping With the Enemy) working side by side with the very criminals they intended to bring to justice. The book is packed with action & suspense. RATED B+ 3 of 3 people found the following review helpful By Michael, A (California, USA) - See all my reviews This review is from: The Mystery of the Spiral Bridge (Hardy Boys, Book 45) (Hardcover) Definatley in the top tier of Hardy Boy books, and not just for the later volumes, but period. Top notch story, setting, atmosphere, and very imaginative. 5 Stars. |
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