The Hardy Boys Books See The Secret Warning (Hardy Boys, Book 17) Details
The Secret Warning (Hardy Boys, Book 17) Reviews
The Hardy Boys Books : The Secret Warning (Hardy Boys, Book 17) Reviews
4 of 6 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: The Secret Warning (The Hardy Boys, No. 17) (Hardcover) Just like the last Hardy Boys book, "A Figure in Hiding," this book is somewhat less thrilling than the others. This time the Hardys are seeking the golden head of Pharaoh Rhamaton IV, which was supposedly on board a sunken freighter, the Katawa. The Hardy Boys journey to nearby Whalebone Island where they receive the "secret warning." However, secret warning seems to be an oxymoron as the warning is received from a lighthouse. The sender of the warning did not want to be known at that time, but he wanted the Hardys to see the warning.As the story proceeds the boys encounter a rather suspicious group of sailors on a salvage ship operating near where the Katawa sank. The Hardys believe the salvage ship might be attempting to recover the head from the Katawa. Later the Hardy boys discover even more suspicious evidence on the Katawa itself. Later the boys discover that there is a sunken U-boat (a World War II German submarine) near where the Katawa sank. The... Read more 2 of 3 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: The Secret Warning (The Hardy Boys, No. 17) (Hardcover) I read these as a kid, and now reading to my grandson. He LOVES them. By This review is from: The Secret Warning (The Hardy Boys, No. 17) (Hardcover) This probably rates more like 4 stars, but I added the 5th to compensate for all the bad reviews of the old 1938 edition that for some reason are showing up here on the 1966 edition page. Whether people are posting reviews for the wrong edition, or Amazon is combining them for some reason I'm not sure, but it really isn't fair for the score to be so low. The 1966 edition was revised significantly and is a different & much better book than the 1938.Most of the criticisms surrounding the 1938 edition have been "fixed' so to speak in this newer 1966 version. (Much as they were...maybe even more the later 1960's edition of "What Happened At Midnight".) I won't reveal many details as I personally don't like spoilers. I will say though that this edition of "The Secret Warning" features numerous plot twists that keep you guessing and wondering "who's who" and "who's good or bad" right up to the end. There were several times when I thought I knew where a... Read more |
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